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Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Perbedaan LINQ to SQL dengan ADO.Net

Istilah dan teknologi .Net sangat bantyak, berbagai macam hal perlu kita ketahui untuk menambah pengetahuan. Disini saya akan memberikan informasi mengenai apasih perbedaannya LINQ to SQL dengan ADO.Net, buat yang belum begitu mengerti dan ingin mengetahui perbedaan di antara keduanya, di sini saya akan sedikit menjabarkan perbedaan ADO.Net dengan LINQ to SQL. Tutorial ini saya dapatkan dari dotnet-tricks dan semoga bermanfaat buat kalian yang kebetulan membaca artikel ini.

 ADO.Net vs LINQ to SQL

It is a part of .NET Framework since .NET Framework 1.0 It is a part of .NET Framework since .NET Framework 3.5
SqlConnection/OleDbConnection is used for database connectivity. We can use context for database connectivity.
Difficult to debug and cause syntax errors at run-time. Easy to debug and cause syntax errors at compile-time.
It has full type checking at run-time and not IntelliSense support in Visual Studio, since it used the T-SQL to query the database. It has full type checking at compile-time and IntelliSense support in Visual Studio, since it used the .NET Framework languages like C# and VB.
It used T-SQL to query the data to query the database and some other syntax for querying the other data source. It used LINQ to query the data which provides the uniform programming model (means common query syntax) to query the various data sources.

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